December 09, 2024

Astra Wash19Pix Enhance the Anniversary Concert of ONUKA with NAONI Orchestra


The prestigious Anniversary Concert of ONUKA, accompanied by the renowned NAONI Orchestra, took place at the majestic October Palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, celebrating a decade of ONUKA's artistic brilliance.

Astra Wash19Pix fixtures by PROLIGHTS, supplied by Complex-V Ltd, were utilized to perfection, delivering exceptional lighting that highlighted the orchestra and created a dynamic visual experience. Compactly positioned among the orchestra, the fixtures seamlessly enhanced the ambiance of the event. Additionally, the outer pixel ring of the Astra Wash19Pix was used to craft dramatic visuals that perfectly blended with the structure and rhythm of the show.

The lighting design was led by the creative duo Vasilii Tonkonog (@99lighting) and David Vasilenko (@ _ lightovich), while the production was expertly managed by Franz Audio (@franz_audio). Together, their collaboration brought an immersive and visually stunning environment to life, complementing ONUKA's iconic music and celebrating this milestone performance.

The production team praised the Astra Wash19Pix for their ability to deliver exceptional brightness, vibrant colors, and versatile effects, bringing ONUKA's decade-long journey to life with remarkable creativity and precision.

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